Project type (parameter E)
[new project or increase in the number of livestock units]
Increase2 Parameter E Increase Parameter
up to (l.u.) up to(l.u.) E
10 or less 0.50 141-145 0.68
11-20 0.51 146-150 0.69
21-30 0.52 151-155 0.70
31-40 0.53 156-160 0.71
41-50 0.54 161-165 0.72
51-60 0.55 166-170 0.73
61-70 0.56 171-175 0.74
71-80 0.57 176-180 0.75
81-90 0.58 181-185 0.76
91-100 0,59 186-190 0.77
101-105 0.60 191-195 0.78
106-110 0.61 196-200 0.79
111-115 0.62 201-205 0.80
116-120 0.63 206-210 0.81
121-125 0.64 211-215 0.82
126-130 0.65 216-220 0.83
131-135 0.66 221-225 0.84
136-140 0.67 226 and more 1.00
or new project
2 To be considered depending on the total targeted number of animals in the herd, whether or not buildings are expanded or built. For any project resulting in a total of 226 livestock units or more and for new projects, parameter E = 1.